vnBB10 – Utility for Side-load app from bar files into BlackBerry 10 and get Hardware ID
As we know, applications for BlackBerry 10 only are installed by two ways: via BlackBerry World and Side-load app from .bar file. Along with support for running Android applications (apk) is converted to. bar on the BB10 so the installation (side-load) .bar file on BB10 ... Continue Reading →

Connect a computer to the Internet using a BlackBerry as a tethered modem
Note: An Internet Protocol (IP) Modem Connection Manager is included with BlackBerry® Desktop Manager 5.0.1 that is designed to configure the BlackBerry smartphone as a tethered modem. For more information regarding the IP Modem Connection Manager, see the Additional Information ... Continue Reading →

How to start a BlackBerry smartphone in safe mode
When starting the BlackBerry smartphone, safe mode can be used to prevent third-party applications from running automatically. Safe mode is designed to allow troubleshooting or remove any unwanted applications.
To turn on safe mode, complete the following steps:
Remove ... Continue Reading →

vnbbUtils v2.0.4.1 – The best Desktop Management Utilities for Blackberry
vnbbUtils is an application based on JavaLoader with friendly GUI and many improvement (such as OTA downloader, IP Modem, Quick Install, remove IT Policy, Create JAD …).
From version, vnbbUtils is added multi-language support.
IP Modem: only for people ... Continue Reading →